Towing V-Chain Bridles & J-Chains
Towing v-chain bridles and j-chains from GVS Supplies provide strong and durable connections for towing and recovery operations. These chains are designed for professional use and built to withstand heavy loads.
V-Chain Bridles
V-chain bridles create a v-shape that distributes weight evenly during towing. They connect to vehicles using j-hooks or other attachment pieces.
Web Bridles
Web bridles feature lightweight polyester webbing with j-hooks on both ends. The flexible webbing conforms to uneven surfaces and won’t scratch paint. These bridles are suitable for lighter-duty towing jobs.
Chain Bridles
Chain bridles use strong alloy steel chains with j-hooks or cluster hooks. The compact chains won’t stretch under heavy loads. Chain bridles work for demanding towing and recovery jobs.
J-chains have j-hooks on both ends to create versatile towing connectors. They come in standard 10 foot lengths.
J-hooks on both ends allow connections to tow eyes or other attachment points. These chains can tow in either direction.
Cluster Hooks
Cluster hooks on one end attach securely to tow eyes. A j-hook on the other end makes connections to vehicles. Cluster hook chains only tow in one direction.
GVS Supplies carries a range of v-chain bridles and j-chains to meet any towing need. Our products are manufactured to strict quality standards for professional use. Please get in touch with us if you need help selecting the right product.